Honour Board Project
Posted by Ben McLean on Friday, 1 Aug 2014 at 11:28am
The club is pleased to announce we have received $1000 grant from Cr. David Cooper to assist us in creating new honour boards at the club. We thank Cr. Cooper for his generous donation.

The honour board project will be completed over 2 phases, and will take 2 years to complete. Once created these boards will take permanent place on the walls of the clubrooms

Phase one will see honour boards acknowledging club premierships, Junior Club champions and Association trophy and medal winners.

Phase two will see games played, batting and bowling averages in lower grades acknowledged.

The project is well under way with the committee working very hard behind the scenes to get all our history up to date. This is one of the most significant projects in the clubs history. 

To achieve this, we need support from people around the club. We are asking for donations from our members to help us raise the funds required to both purchase the boards and put all the names on the boards. 

Every little bit helps. We are asking for donations of $50 or more. Every person who supports this project will be acknowledged on a plaque that will be on our new wall, to be revealed at this years season launch. One lucky person will be drawn out and receive 2 $50 tickets to this years 2K draw. 

All donations can be made to:

Account Name: Knox Gardens Cricket Club Inc
BSB # 033 372
Account # 186417
Payment Ref: “Board Project”

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