Knox Gardens Reserve Clubrooms, please enter via Tennis Courts door.
1. Review and accept Minutes from last AGM 2. Presidents report & observations - Bill Leane 3. Treasurers report - Rob Cottle 4. Membership Questions 5. Move to accept report 6. Election of Office Bearers for 2008/09 A) President B) Treasurer C) Junior Administrator D) Secretary E) General committee (6-8 positions) 7. AGM Business (matters to be presented and voted on) A) Recommendation from 2007/08 committee on Life Membership criteria - David Thomas B) Life membership nominations (any nomination requires presentation of facts to support) C) Constitutional amendments proposed D) Structure of committee (Define roles) - Bill Leane E) Date of AGM in line with financial year - Rob Cottle F) Voting rights alteration to include Financial Social members and allow proxys - David Hancock G) Vision for future – members discussion - Bill Leane H) General business – issues from the floor
Light refreshments available after the meeting. If you can't attend please send an apology by contacting Bill Leane on or 0411289319, Fiona Taylor on 0432604429 or email Ben Mclean on <> |