Joe Morsello
Season Comp Team Finals Innings
Summary Batting Batting Chart Bowling Partnerships More...
  • Rnd Date Days Team Inn Rn Num Ho Ov Mn Wk Rn Ct RO St
    1.10/5/201921st XI V's Eildon Park1st134*2no30111
    2.10/19/201921st XI V's Footballers1st172c1
    4.11/9/201921st XI V's Knoxfield1st291c
    6.12/7/201921st XI V's Upwey1st12c11
    3.12/15/201911st XI V's Johnson Park1st11*6no
    7.12/21/201911st XI V's The Basin1st1*6no1
    8.1/11/202011st XI V's Upper FTG1st492c
    9.1/18/202021st XI V's The Basin1st292c1
    10.2/1/202021st XI V's Johnson Park1st922c
    11.2/15/202021st XI V's Lysterfield1st22c
    12.2/29/202011st XI V's Belgrave1st72c
    QF.3/7/202021st XI V's Lysterfield1st682c
    PF.3/14/202021st XI V's Knoxfield1st182c
    Games: 13 13 (3*) 458 3 - 1 11 3 - 2
    50s: 2
    100's: 1
    Highest Score: 134* Av: 45.8 5wi: -
    10wm: -
    Av: 11
    Best: 1/11
    RPO: 3.67
    Strike Rate: 18
  • Opponent Inn Outs NO Runs Avg
    Eildon Park1011340
    Johnson Park211103103
    The Basin2113030
    Upper FTG1104949
    Result Inn Outs NO Runs Avg
    Team Inn Outs NO Runs Avg
    1st XI1310345845.8
    Location Inn Outs NO Runs Avg
    Bat Pos. Inn Outs NO Runs Avg
  • Opponent Ovrs Wkts Runs Avg RPO
    Eildon Park3111113.67
    Result Overs Wkts Runs Avg RPO
    Team Overs Wkts Runs Avg RPO
    1st XI3111113.67
    Location Overs Wkts Runs Avg RPO
  • P'Ship Wick# Player Out Player Not Out Round Opponent Innings Team Season
    1272Morsello, JoeGregory, Mitchell10Johnson Park1st Innings1st XI19/20
    1131Dunlop, PeterMorsello, JoeQFLysterfield1st Innings1st XI19/20
    1074Wylde, AdamMorsello, Joe1Eildon Park1st Innings1st XI19/20
    1012Morsello, JoeGregory, Joshua8Upper FTG1st Innings1st XI19/20
    751Morsello, JoeDunlop, Peter9The Basin1st Innings1st XI19/20
    561Dunlop, PeterMorsello, Joe10Johnson Park1st Innings1st XI19/20
    494Morsello, JoeGregory, Mitchell4Knoxfield1st Innings1st XI19/20
    476Gregory, MitchellMorsello, Joe1Eildon Park1st Innings1st XI19/20
    461Morsello, JoeDunlop, Peter2Footballers1st Innings1st XI19/20
    381Morsello, JoeDunlop, PeterPFKnoxfield1st Innings1st XI19/20
    33*8Morsello, JoeMcInerney, Scott1Eildon Park1st Innings1st XI19/20
    331Dunlop, PeterMorsello, Joe8Upper FTG1st Innings1st XI19/20
    295Marget, JacksonMorsello, Joe1Eildon Park1st Innings1st XI19/20
    281Dunlop, PeterMorsello, Joe1Eildon Park1st Innings1st XI19/20
    241Morsello, JoeDunlop, Peter12Belgrave1st Innings1st XI19/20