Working Bee on 15th September
Posted by Ben McLean on Wednesday, 5 Sep 2007 at 2:15pm
On the morning of Saturday 15th Sept, we need your Help for 1 & 1/2 hours. This day is EFL grand Final Day so I only want your help from 8 am to 10 am at the latest.
I have split us into groups, if we all share the load we will be able to get everything done easily.
Group 1 - Job uncover pitch on Knox No 1 ground. Ben McLean in charge - Ben please bring your trailer, Helpers please bring a shovel. To help: Matt Van Lith, Wilbur, Thorpie,Franga & Chris Amos
Group 2 - Job uncover pitch on Knox No 2 ground. Rhys Thomas in charge - Rhys bring Trailer, Helpers please bring a shovel To Help: Wilko, Sammy, Monty, Daine, Rutts & Sean Read
Group 3 - Setup Llewellyn, incl Temp Fencing, Traffic control, Marquee, & Tidyup around Llewellyn pavilion plus clean up kitchen & repair.
Outside Group - Jason Buljabasic in charge (Jason bring whipper snipper & blower vac, Paint lines on Pitches. To help : Travis, Crazy, Borgy, Ray P & Hawksey, Mark H, Joe DeVenuto
Inside Pavilion - Make Kitchen operable & Clean & Paint, put down floor, David Hancock, David Thomas, Greg Howes, Ray B To help Anne, Helen
Please let me know if you can't help.
If we all pitch in then we will have a HUGE job done quickly and we can get to Footy, Golf, shopping or whatever. If I missed anyone please drag them along.
Thanks Bill
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