Round 9 Teams
Posted by Ben McLean on Friday, 10 Jan 2014 at 10:06am
Happy new year to all Gardeners and best of luck as we head into the home stretch of the season.

Rnd: 9
1st XI V's Knoxfield
Away at Carrington Park
Name1st XI StatsSenior Stats
1 Wayne McInerney (C) 73 2,092 1 92 2,448 3
2 Adam Metherell 17 209 10 92 1,363 111
3 Adam Wild 165 972 442 169 973 446
4 Brett Morrison 1 - - 41 1,299 6
5 Dylan Wylde - - - 36 868 20
6 Jarrod Butcher 96 2,114 82 113 2,499 98
7 Joshua Gregory 73 1,241 - 108 1,760 3
8 Navinder Singh 25 327 18 37 576 35
9 Scott McInerney 27 412 - 56 865 6
10 Shannon Small 36 849 43 42 1,041 52
11 Simon Grasser 51 157 70 62 387 93
Rnd: 9
2nd XI V's Knoxfield
Home at Knox Gardens Res #1
Name2nd XI StatsSenior Stats
1 Rhys Marget (C) 19 534 13 251 7,529 135
2 Ashley Hawkes 16 19 9 81 571 72
3 Ashley Thompson 22 603 16 44 1,506 38
4 Ben McLean 98 2,782 2 135 3,202 2
5 Daine Vernon 47 315 43 127 832 136
6 Daniel Adams 22 195 50 112 981 186
7 Dave Hay 17 381 2 75 1,182 25
8 Jack Marget - 27 - 6 105 3
9 Jeremy MacKinnon 56 1,149 2 158 2,407 7
10 Matthew Young 40 454 78 103 876 163
11 Sean Reid 52 897 21 101 1,644 53
Rnd: 9
3rd XI V's Knoxfield
Away at Benedikt Park #1
Name3rd XI StatsSenior Stats
1 Jason Buljubasic (C) 23 578 26 101 1,776 111
2 Andrew Potts 20 636 1 26 677 1
3 Callum O'Connor 3 21 - 4 21 -
4 Dan Foden 2 22 3 5 22 6
5 Gerard Jongen 3 37 4 14 231 15
6 Jack Deveson 10 38 8 11 40 9
7 Jeff Greenway 2 - 5 15 17 9
8 Matt Lambrick - - - 5 50 -
9 Nathan Montague 44 720 19 71 1,024 35
10 Sam Bakker 10 82 6 11 87 6
11 Varun Kotamraju 6 34 3 23 142 21
Rnd: 9
4th XI V's The Basin
Home at Knox Gardens Res #2
Name4th XI StatsSenior Stats
1 Greg Bakker (C) 7 61 8 7 61 8
2 Aaron Bailey 7 125 4 82 1,249 11
3 Adrian Zandt 2 4 5 130 2,150 249
4 Alex Danoplous 1 - - 4 11 6
5 Andrew Gregor 18 53 7 19 53 7
6 Christian Stuckey 7 237 7 7 237 7
7 Hitesh Halai 4 25 - 6 34 -
8 Matt Tymensen 7 8 1 7 8 1
9 Rob Cottle 35 437 33 99 1,394 70
10 Scott David 3 66 1 19 188 9
11 Simon Taylor 19 296 23 89 1,610 126
11 Brent Bredin

11 Jared Ing

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