Annual General Meeting Notice
Posted by Ben McLean on Thursday, 16 Apr 2009 at 2:31pm
This is to advise that the clubs 2009 Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday 13th May 2009 at 8pm. Have a say about the clubs future direction. If you would like to nominate for an executive position on the committee, that is, President, Vice President, Secretary or Treasurer then please fill out the Committee nomination form on the "Forms" page in the Downloads section of the website, these nominations must be emailed or posted to me and arrive by Friday 8th May 2009. General Committee nomiations will be accepted on the night. The current committee welcomes your nominations.

We have successfully moved our website to our new web host and the website has had some cosmetic changes, as well as photos added from recent grand finals. If you have any pics to add that you've taken throughout the season you can email me, or post a cd/dvd to the clubs postal address which is listed on the website. Take the chance to have a look at the Season In Review movie which is on the website, it's the same thing shown on Presentation Night.

Finally, Senior players are asked to attend a Players Committment Meeting at 7pm on 13th May, it's the same night as the AGM, just before it. Chris Amos will be running the meeting and he'll outline our plan of attack on the Knox Tavern Cup.
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